Key Players

This section gives you a preview of the most important players in the Czech R&D system. Some of these institutions govern, administer and steer the system, others fund  R&D projects while the Academy of Sciences conducts extraordinary research of its own.

Government of the Czech Republic

The main decision making body and executive power in the Czech Republic.

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Research, Development and Innovation Council

Advisory body to the Government chaired by its vice-prime minister.

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Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

MEYS is responsible for R&D and international collaboration therein.

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Czech Academy of Sciences

CAS is a complex of 54 public research institutions mainly dealing with basic research.

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Czech Science Foundation

CSF is a funding agency focused on basic research and international collaboration therein.

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Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

TA CR is a funding agency focused on applied research and experimental development.

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Ministry of Industry and Trade

MIT is responsible for policies concerning innovations.

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