Call for proposalsInternational Collaboration

(CALL CLOSED) CHIST-ERA IV Call 2020 for international collaboration in ICT is open

CHIST-ERA is looking for transformative and highly multidisciplinary research projects. They should explore new ideas with the potential for significant scientific and technical impacts in the long term.

In the Call 2020, two separate topics are addressed, namely:

  • Advanced Brain-Computer Interfaces for Novel Interactions (BCI)
  • Towards Sustainable ICT (S-ICT)

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) will support successful Czech applicants and their projects with the amount of 1 000 000 EUR. Both enterprises and research organizations can apply for TACR funding. Funding rules for the Czech applicants are defined by a funding programme EPSILON. The deadline for submission of pre-proposals is 1 March 202117:00 CET.

The project consortia must have a minimum of 3 eligible and independent partners requesting funding from at least 3 of the following countries:

Belgium, Bulgaria, Québec (Canada), Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

Information webinars are planned on January 11, 2021, and February 22, 2021 to present the call to potential applicants (click on the corresponding date to register).

For more information visit website or