

ArticleInternational Collaboration

American science is sexy. “Czech it out!”

Artificial intelligence, software, chemistry and the aviation industry. Dozens of Czech research entities benefitting from the return of those studying in the United States are cooperating with Americans.   The…
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ArticleInternational Collaboration

“Vorsprung durch Technik” or Progress through Technology

Mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and chemical research are common interests of German and Czech researchers. Germany is the Czech Republic’s closest partner in basic research and studies.   It…
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ArticleInternational Collaboration

The most generous R&D funding country regularly collaborates with Czech researchers

Czech institutes and schools offer South Korea primarily knowledge in lasers, nanosciences, mechanical engineering and, of course, the automotive industry, which is the driving force of both countries’ economies.  …
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Lighting the way (with lasers) to good times

British academics and high-tech firms are attracted by Czech lasers, as well as biotechnology. The topic of Brexit frequently leads to a search for additional links between the “isles” and…
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ArticleInternational Collaboration

The Czech Republic and Japan are connected by more than robots

Czech researchers attract Japanese attention in physics, chemistry, biotechnology and cybernetics, as well as in the whole automotive sector   Czechs gave the world the word “robot”; the Japanese have…
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High-tech engineering built on tradition

The stories of Czech firms Wikov Industry and VÚTS Liberec show that traditional sector specialisations continue to have worth thanks to research and development   Nearly everyone in the Czech…
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Biotechnology protects skin, treats and saves nature

The innovative Czech companies Contipro and Nafigate have found success thanks to research. Of course, we shouldn´t forget the fermentation technology of the most famous product in the Czech Republic:…
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Materials sciences for a better future

New materials are already being used in medicine, construction, power generation, electrical engineering and the automotive industry. The Czech Republic takes research in this area seriously and is investing in…
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“The Air is Our Sea” – thanks to aviation

The Czech aviation industry has a century-long tradition. The Czech Republic remains one of only a few countries that are able to produce a complete aircraft: from the airframe through…
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